星期六, 15 3 月, 2025


Pwn2Own Automotive 2024:VicOne 和 ZDI 牽頭舉辦首屆黑客馬拉松,旨在發現連網車輛中的網路漏洞

Pwn2Own Automotive 2024: VicOne and ZDI lead first hackathon to uncover cyber vulnerabilities in connected vehiclesSource Link

這是我們第一次看到 Rivian (RIVN) 即將推出的 R2 EV 嗎?

Is this our first look at Rivian’s (RIVN) upcoming R2 EV?Source Link


Renault slams brakes on listing of Ampere EV divisionSource Link

Rivian 的最新任命應該會讓蘋果產品的粉絲們歡欣鼓舞

Rivian's latest hire should make fans of Apple products rejoiceSource Link


Driving an electric vehicle on Long Island: The highs and lows of powering up Source Link

為什麼 Xcel Energy 推動擴大電動車激勵措施引起了氣候和消費者倡導者的分歧

Why Xcel Energy's push to expand EV incentives has divided climate and consumer advocatesSource Link

Apple Car EV 將於 2028 年首次亮相,自動駕駛功能有限

Apple Car EV Set to Debut in 2028 With Limited Autonomous DrivingSource Link


Panasonic Skeleton Car Shows Heavy EV InvolvementSource Link

了解 Android Auto、Android Automotive 和 Google Automotive 服務

Understanding Android Auto, Android Automotive, and Google Automotive ServicesSource Link

Macnica 為 CES 提供下一代自主系統

Macnica Provides CES with Next-Gen Autonomous SystemsSource Link