星期日, 16 3 月, 2025


Lucid Motors 將最便宜的電動車價格下調超過 8,000 美元

Lucid Motors drops the price of its cheapest EV by more than $8,000Source Link

Lucid 七個月內第三次下調豪華電動車價格

Lucid slashes prices for its luxury EVs for the third time in seven monthsSource Link

Lucid Motors 的擴張:電動車製造的新時代

Lucid motors' expansion: A new era in ev manufacturingSource Link

將克萊斯勒的 Halcyon 概念車打造成旅行車可以解決特斯拉和 Lucid 的問題

Making Chrysler's Halcyon Concept a Station Wagon Could Solve Tesla and Lucid ProblemsSource Link

阿斯頓馬丁聲稱在沒有 Lucid 幫助的情況下取得了輕量化電池的突破

Aston Martin Claims Lightweight Battery Breakthrough Without Lucid's HelpSource Link

電動車製造商 Lucid 不能聲稱汽車零排放

Electric car manufacturer Lucid cannot claim zero emissions from carsSource Link

Lucid Gravity 設計師有一個非官方的副業,設想薩博的電動車復活

Lucid Gravity Designer Has an Unofficial Side Gig, Envisions Saab's EV ResurrectionSource Link

Lucid 設計師暢想電動時代的薩博豪華 SUV

Lucid Designer Imagines Saab Luxury SUV For The EV AgeSource Link

Lucid Air 電動車 (EV) 加入沙烏地阿拉伯警察部隊,配備車頂無人機運載工具

Lucid Air Electric Vehicle (EV) Joins Saudi Arabia Police Force, Equipped with Roof-Mounted Drone CarrierSource Link

Saks 與電動車公司 Lucid 合作預約試駕

Saks partners with electric vehicle company Lucid to book test drivesSource Link