星期六, 15 3 月, 2025


Lucid Air 加入警察部隊,成為豪華電動巡邏車

Lucid Air Joins Police Force As Luxury EV Patrol CarSource Link

沙烏地阿拉伯製造的配備無人機和人工智慧的 Lucid EV 在利雅德世界防務展上受到巨大關注

Huge draw for Saudi made Lucid EV, equipped with drone and AI, at Riyadh World Defense ShowSource Link

Lucid 擴建亞利桑那工廠,為 Gravity 生產做好準備

Lucid expands its Arizona plant to prepare for Gravity productionSource Link

沙烏地阿拉伯製造的 Lucid 電動車展示尖端技術

Saudi-Made Lucid Electric Vehicle Showcases Cutting Edge TechnologySource Link

Saks 與 Lucid 電動車合作

Saks Partners With Lucid electric carsSource Link

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 因薪酬方案無效、Lucid 的 25% 漲勢、福特電動車銷售陷入困境等問題而大喊大叫:B

Elon Musk Cries Foul Over Pay Package Voidance, Lucid's 25% Rally, Ford's Struggling EV Sales And More: BSource Link

Lucid (LCID) 正在將其時尚的電動轎車改造成新的警車系列

Lucid (LCID) is converting its sleek electric sedan into a new line of police vehiclesSource Link

Lucid 擴建亞利桑那工廠,為未來的電動車車型做準備

Lucid Expands Arizona Plant In Preparation For Future EV ModelsSource Link

豪華電動車製造商 Lucid 聘請前梅賽德斯-奔馳律師擔任 GC

Luxury EV-maker Lucid hires former Mercedes-Benz lawyer as GCSource Link

Lucid 擴建亞利桑那州工廠,為 Gravity 生產做好準備

Lucid expands its Arizona plant to prepare for Gravity productionSource Link