星期日, 16 3 月, 2025


Stellantis 的全新 STLA 大型電動車平台:您需要了解的一切

Stellantis' New STLA Large Electric Vehicle Platform: All You Need To KnowSource Link


Maserati reiterates all-electric ‘Made in Italy’ strategy in wake of delays, rifts with local gov’tSource Link

Stellantis 老闆 Carlos Tavares 認為電動車的快速加速實際上是一種安全功能

Stellantis boss Carlos Tavares reckons rapid EV acceleration is actually a safety featureSource Link

行業領導者 Stellantis 宣佈在電動車充電解決方案方面建立里程碑式的合作夥伴關係:“我們非常興奮”

Industry leader Stellantis announces milestone partnership on EV charging solution: 'We're incredibly excited'Source Link

Stellantis 關於電動車:“汽車加速越快,就越安全”

Stellantis about electric cars: 'The faster your car accelerates, the safer'Source Link


Stellantis slams Italy for not backing EVs, putting Fiat at riskSource Link

Bedeo 確認 eLCV 交付里程碑,並獲得 Stellantis 批准進行電動改造

Bedeo confirms eLCV delivery milestone and Stellantis approval for electric retrofitsSource Link

Jeep Compass價格、STLA平台、未來Jeep EV SUV

Jeep Compass price, STLA platform, future Jeep EV SUVSource Link


Stellantis unveils new 800km electric platform to be led by Dodge and JeepSource Link

Jeep Wagoneer S 電動 SUV 在新洩漏的圖片中露面

Jeep Wagoneer S electric SUV shows its face in newly leaked imagesSource Link